Forces behind the Growth of Bashundhara Group

23/02/2013 13:58

A talented and devoted team of professionals led by the pragmatic vision and guidance of the chairman is the secret behind the quick success and rapid growth of Bashundhara group. Highly professional teams of different sister concerns are relentlessly working for the growth of their concerns and taking up viable projects after doing meticulous planning and brainstorming sessions.

Right aptitude, expertise, can-do  attitude and a positive mindset to serve the clients even better are the secrets of the workforce who are making their jobs well done and taking their respective concerns to the top in their arena. Moreover, professional working atmosphere, regular performance evaluation, day-to-day monitoring and giving reward to the performers are also making the workforce really feel better for the company.

Finally on the management side, Bashundhara Group has always emphasized on development of good corporate governance to attain its objective. The board of directors is the highest level authority to formulate policies and strategies suitable for enterprises of the group. The members of the board meet periodically to review the overall activities of the group and prescribe strategic guidelines for implementations.

Over the years Bashundhara Group has successfully implemented a well designed corporate management structure with clearly defined responsibilities and delegation of authority for project implementation keeping the track of accountability. The group has specific organogram for its each enterprises manned with qualified professionals who properly carry out their company’s planning, execution of duties and keep on monitoring the process of work with total control. All enterprises of the group already been brought under SAP software system. And at the end performance is the lone criterion for personal advancement and promotion of officials and employees. So a healthy competition for performing better guides the intellectually sound pool of Bashundhara Group professionals who are the driving force of the company.