23/03/2013 14:48

In 2001, Bangladesh Maternal Health Services and Maternal Mortality Survey (BMMS) is the first nationally representative sample survey designed to provide information on the level of maternal mortality, causes of maternal & non maternal deaths and perception, experience and utilization of maternal health care in Bangladesh.

The findings of the nationally representative Bangladesh maternal health services and maternal mortality survey (BMMS) show that maternal mortality is still very high at 320 per 100,000 live births. However of the 171 countries included in a recent joint review of maternal mortality ratio (MMR) estimates for 2000 by WHO, UNICEF & UNFPA (2001) 51 countries (30%) had higher levels of maternal mortality than Bangladesh some three to five times higher. This data has shown an encouraging reduction of the MMR in Bangladesh of 22% over the past 12 years6.

In Bangladesh two thirds of maternal deaths occur after delivery. Only one in ten occur during delivery and the remaining one in five before delivery. Haemorrhage (APH & PPH) is the most (29%) important cause of maternal deaths, eclampsia (24%) being next to that. Other causes are prolonged or obstructed labour, unsafe abortion and puerperal sepsis. It has been found that MMR is highest for the primi patients and higher order (6+) births.

Bangladesh has a fairly extensive infrastructure for the delivery of health and family planning services. However many facilities still do not meet the needs of women with respect to emergency obstetric care (EOC). The govt. has identified the lack of equipment, trained personnel and supervision. Illiteracy, poverty, social and cultural prejudices are responsible for poor health of women of Bangladesh. Bangladesh is on target towards Millennium Development Goal of a 75% reduction between 1990 and 2015.